Let's do what our kids do in school - we'll have a show and tell about 'How I Spent my Summer on the Boat'... send me your best sailing/boating photos and videos, especially videos if you have them, and I'll create a video featuring your material for photos and a page for the videos , plus some comments from you about your work. I'll put them together in the same kind of format as the video below, plus put your names and boat name along with them if you wish. Just let me know how you want to set up your photos or video here. My editor at SAIL will be interested in seeing this as well, and you never know, you might end up with your contribution being posted there as well.
(photos and videos can be sent to my email, northchannelsailing@gmail.com)
hotos and vdeos can be sent to my email, northchannelsailing@gmail.com