So today, left for Hampton VA at the south end of the Chesapeake. The original plan was to wait for a northwesterly breeze, and sail down, but the weather pattern shifted from Monday to late Wednesday, with stiff southerlys predicted, so I decided the heck with it, I'll motor - and motor we did. A nice day, warm...and am now docked in Hampton at the Public Pier.
Ran into a friend, Bill, and his wife Leslie, from a couple of years back, sailed his boat from Alaska - the boat's name? Bye Polar. Don't you just love that?
There are actually quite a few boats out there heading south, even this late. I saw five other sailboats, plus a trawler today. I expect I'll see still more once on the actual ICW and start making more new friends, like Stan and Elizabeth, out of Vermont on Dream Walker, or AJ, in a 35 Endeavour. It just keeps getting better and better...
I'll be hanging out here tomorrow, then heading out again on Tuesday for the mile zero of the ICW.