I mentioned a week or so ago I was working on
some projects that would be of interest to anyone planning on heading
south. One of those, a website, will feature...not one, not two, not
even three - but SIX - count 'em, SIX - online webinars on Cruising
South on the ICW. Guests will include Rob Macleod (Informed Boaters), Claiborne Young (Salty Southeast Cruisers Net), author and ICW strip chart book creator John Kettlewell and more, who I'll be announcing over the next couple of weeks. These are people who know the ICW intimately, and who can answer the questions you have about your own trip.
The webinars will be hosted using the Google Hangout tool, and then
reposted on YouTube along with several other sites, including the new
site I've now got in beta testing.
But WAIT! There's more!
much more...the new site will also feature a message board and live
chat feature, so that you can get answers to your questions from others
on the site, hook up with other boaters heading south, and develop a
community of boaters exchanging information to help to make your boating
easier, safer and more fun. Maybe even less expensive! We can hope!
And the name of this site is.....(to be continued soon)
Stay tuned!