
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Were you paying attention?

It's been an exciting Sunday here at the Toronto Boat Show, and tomorrow will be an even bigger day, with tomorrow's Google Hangout webinar, Cruisers' Hanngout, A Night with the Experts, at 7:30 New York/Toronto time.
Those of you who have been paying attention will have noted that I've added a new page here - and that page is a live feed for Cruisers' Hangout - yes, that's right, so if you should have any difficulty in linking up to the Google Hangout, just come here to LiveBloggin' and click on the link just below the photo of Gypsy Wind - or click on  THE LINK and your browser will open up a page here with the live feed.
The only drawback to this is that you can't use the Q&A facility that Google has for questions - but you can text your questions to (410) 849-9694 and I'll put them in the queue for our experts to answer.
And if you haven't yet signed up - WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? The link to sign up is at
See you tomorrow!